Let's re-fresh the way we look at love!

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I've always loved Valentine's Day! And though I've never been much of a fan of arbitrarily created 'days' (whether that's Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day or anything else), whether I'm in a relationship or not, I love to celebrate the people and the partnerships, the friendships, the family relationships.... the LOVE in my life and the lives of those around me. And I consider myself truly blessed in that respect.

And this year is no different. Yet, with these new 'ascension energies' coming in thick and fast now, there really seems to be a 'push' around reworking and recalibrating the way we've 'done' relationships - not in just this lifetime but right across the ages!

It's like we're being invited to clear out the dross within our own ways of relating - with ourselves and with others - and start again from a 'clean slate', where we can welcome in new relationships and relationship patterns that truly serve us. And the other of course!

So in the runup to this year's rather arbitrarily created (and rather wonderful excuse for learning to love better) Valentine's Day, I'd like to invite you to take part in my little Challenge!

If you become aware of emotional pain - typically in the collective at the moment it seems to be coming up deep in the heart (which often is an invitation to clear deep karma) and in the head (which can often be set neural pathways), turn the attention gently towards that pain and, letting go of any resistance (if you can), simply 'soften into' it and melt through.

This is particularly effective when sitting in meditation (most Little White Feather readers, it would seem, have a regular meditation practice). But you can also do it when in reflection during your day. By fully feeling what's there and 'melting through', we can break through the patterns that limit us... and step into the new. And, giving ourselves permission to discharge any emotion that comes up as a result, of course! This technique can be remarkably effective - try it!

And post below any questions on this - or message me if you need any help getting started. What do you feel you are being invited to let go of, in order to have the relationships that will truly fulfil you? Here's to a universal reworking of the concept of Love, here on Planet Earth - and to relationships that truly serve us and each other. Enjoy your Valentine’s week. <3