What would it take for you to step into your true power?

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When I was first faced with who I am at a soul level, it scared me.

Not because the picture that presented was scary in itself. What gave me the heebie jeebies was a sense of my own power. And the responsibility that came with it. But when I searched deeper, I realised that even THIS was a choice. Responsibility is response-ability - and I have a choice about how I respond to that!

And why I’m mentioning this is because it feels to me that what we’re being invited to do right now is step into this power and magnificence - even if it scares us just a little bit! These are truly revolutionary times! Can you feel it? A subtle - or not so subtle - change in energy, that's inciting us to pick up our energetic swords, cut through the proverbial **** (both within and without!) and step into our true power. What we could call our sovereignty!

And yes, there's plenty to disempower us at a 3D level, especially with what's going on at a global level with the virus and the vax situation. But can you feel a deeper truth, a deeper sense of purpose emerging, despite all of this? Perhaps it’s your OWN sense of truth… perhaps what’s being presented does not feel like absolute truth to you.

One of the beautiful souls on our Soul Gifts Programme expressed last week that she felt like she was 'changing gears' - and this is what it feels like to me. It is like humanity is being encouraged to stop playing small and step into our god selves, our mastery.

Whatever convinced us we couldn't handle whatever is in front of us? Whatever told us we were less than magnificent, with all power and love at our fingertips... the power to transcend any obstacles?

To me, it feels like we're going through a giant birth tunnel and what's out the other side is going to be truly magnificent. AND the path to there, of course, may be challenging. But that's what we're here for. And anyway, maybe we need that to realise our full capacity!

What are you realising about your true potential at the moment? What are you being encouraged to cut through? I'd love to hear. And what, if anything, is stopping you? Have a great weekend. Join us our our Shine Your Light! Facebook group, here, to continue the discussion - or post below and get the conversation started! <3