The Little White Feather cleanse - is it for me?



The countdown to our annual 21-day 'conscious cleanse' begins tomorrow. To give you some idea of whether you'd like to join us for the cleanse, here's what it entails. The diet consists of gradually taking out of the diet all those foods - and drinks - that may be 'fighting' with the body, ie, pretty much anything that doesn't occur in nature or that may be difficult for your body to digest.

The ten days before the diet begins (ie, from Wednesday March 8th) we use to psychologically and physically prepare for our new way of eating and drinking. As we count down to the full detox plan, we’ll discuss all the things to watch out for – the tiredness that can befall us in the first few days as our body’s detox organs kick into action, the headaches as we learn to cope without caffeine… the need to drink plenty of good quality water to help the lymphatic system flush the body of the accumulated toxins. And we’ll explore ways to anticipate the cravings for the things we love that aren’t on the programme… and have snacks and healthy treats in store for the moments when the temptation becomes too much.

Then, from the 10th day of the countdown – Saturday March 18th, the detox diet itself begins.For 21 days we’ll be living on a healthy and balanced range of foods - but without meat, fish, dairy products, wheat and gluten, sugar, alcohol or artificial additives of any kind. There’ll be tips to support you when you find it all a bit much, and ways to treat yourself (I’ve a great recipe for marzipan balls, for example, when you feel that you could really do with something sweet).

And if you need more support or advice while you’re on the diet, just email me and I’ll see what I can do to help (I've been doing a cleanse like this every year for the past six or seven years - and other fasts and detoxes to support my spiritual practice since my teens - and so will hopefully have some tips up my sleeve).

So, over the next couple of weeks will be a good time for you to ask yourself whether this is the right time for you to join us in the Little White Feather conscious cleanse. Is it time for you to feel supported in making dietary changes that make you feel healthier, clearer and more resourced to really shine your light our there in the world? If it feels a little too much for your this time round, why not simply read the plan daily for inspiration - and feel free to comment and join in the conversation on Facebook! If you feel the time is right to wholeheartedly go for it this year, why not sign up to the whole supported programme - see Events page.

Whatever you decide, we look forward to seeing you on the Little White Feather Facebook page from Tuesday March 8th - the day the countdown begins! You can also read the daily posts on Twitter.
