Birthing a new consciousness

I was down in Somerset last week to take part in a training course to learn skills to 'help facilitate the global shift in consciousness' that many of us now feel is taking place. It was a precious and wonderful week and the tools I gained will help inform my one-to-one coaching and group transformational work and also, no doubt, the work I am now doing facilitating conferences and seminars, both in the UK and abroad.As part of this year-long training, with the Openhand Foundation, I am learning techniques to help facilitate people on their journey through what Openhand's Chris Bourne refers to as the Five Gateways (and which have been referred to by other names in texts from ancient times) - in effect, universal stages we all go through on our journey of awakening, through what many call 'enlightenment' and ultimately to our 'resurrection'. My homework for the first part of this course is to conduct some case studies to get a handle on the techniques - and I am offering coaching cients old and new the opportunity to take part in this (on a 'donations-only' basis). So if you 'feel the pull', do get in touch.You may also be interested in Openhand's work - and if so, I'd like to recommend that you attend a talk that Chris is doing in Guildford on November 13th (please register your interest with me as soon as possible, as places are limited). This short and heart-melting film, beautifully made (and narrated by) Chris' wife Trinity during a firewalking ceremony at a recent Openhand course, will give you a flavour of the Openhand work. And those of you who know me in person might even recognise a certain someone looking rather ecstatic towards the end of the film.