Why detox?

For me, lapses of energy for no apparent reason, pronounced mood swings, feeling uncomfortable in my body, aches and pains... are all signs that I need to unburden my body-mind of toxins. If you're feeling any of these things on a regular basis, it might be a good idea to detox.The detox programme I'm proposing – and which begins in 12 days time, (though you can of course download the information from this blog at a later date and follow it any time you like) is a relatively gentle one. It consists of gradually taking the main toxins out of the diet (and those foods and drinks that your system may be 'fighting' with) and, for 21 days, living on a healthy, nutritious diet without these foods.The foods we take out are: meat and fish (as these often contain additives and are quite tiring for the body to digest), artificial additives of any sort, dairy products, wheat and gluten, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.The effect? Though the withdrawal phase can be difficult, with 'side effects' such as tiredness and headaches, and food cravings, after a few days I tend to feel renewed energy, vigour, mental clarity and a growing ease in the body, which, long-term, should you choose to remain on the diet (which many people do, as you feel so good), tends to resume its natural, balanced state and any 'lumps and bumps' caused by a build-up of toxins tend to fall away.This programme, however, is not for everyone. It does require a good level of health. And stamina. If you are a detoxing beginner, I recommend that you start by following a basic weekend detox – I'll be doing one (accompanied by a daily blog) in early summer. Then you can do the 21-day programme later on, when your body has a better base level of toxicity.And, though I am a trained complementary practitioner, I am not a medical doctor and so would also advise anyone with any health issues to check with their doctor before beginning a diet like this.Tomorrow we'll run through the format of the 21-day programme and then, on Monday, the 10-day countdown begins! If you're not yet signed up to the blog, you can do so here.