An attitude of gratitude

So, the metaphor? Well, the incident in the sea, of course, was directly mirrored in the way my life has been since I came back. Waves have knocked me this way and that. And the sea floor has been taken from under me several times. At one point, I was reeling so much that I started to question life for a time. And, dare I say it, some negative thoughts were creeping in! I decided to nip it in the bud. How? Among other things, I created a Twitter account (@_DailyThankyou_) where I would journal all the things I was grateful for in life - though few of these would be material things (because most of those were falling away, tee hee). Needless to say, the chemistry of the situation quickly shifted, and I was soon back above water and riding those waves to the shore.What are your feelings on and experiences around gratitude? Have you any stories about how an attitude of gratitude has changed things in your life, or the lives of others? If so, you can connect with me, as they say, on twitter - or just send your snippets in to me at workshop Attitude of Gratitude runs January 7th 2012 in London. I will also be running this course more locally, some time in February (date to be arranged). Please book early as spaces strictly limited.Also see this truly heart warming TED talk and video on gratitude by cinematographer Louie Schwartzberg. Give it a chance (it starts slowly)!
