Time for a seasonal cleanse

Here at little white feather, we're always looking for new ways to keep our wellbeing tanks topped up to the brim. And our annual liver and gallbladder cleanse - or LGBC for short - is certainly one of them!The five-day countdown to the cleanse starts next Monday - we'll be gently easing ourselves into the main cleanse – which takes place over the weekend – so you’ve got plenty of time to prepare!I’ll be going over the whys and wherefores of detoxing and, more specifically, detoxing the liver and gallbladder, in my daily detox post from Monday next week. Join us!And for those of you who are not up to a cleanse right now, we'll be running our annual 21-day Conscious Cleanse next spring, accompanied by a new e-book of the same title - so please get in touch and book a place if you'd like to join us! <3