It is our light, not our darkness...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us," says Marianne Williamson, in that famous address, which is often, even now, attributed to Nelson Mandela. And it was Marianne Williamson that I was listening to tonight (link to MP3 recording below) and who has reminded me what a powerful channel of truth she is for me.So much so that, seven or eight years ago, when I first came into contact with her, at a conference rather extravagantly named the International Conference of Organisational Spirituality, as she left the building after her keynote address (I was chatting outside with friends) I called, or kind of 'sang' after her, 'I love you Marianne!' She turned around (she was some distance away by now) and blew me a kiss.When I was listening to this recording tonight - theme: relationships - I felt that intense feeling of truth and passion again, welling up in my heart and throat, like a fire. And it's really purely incidental that she uses potential turn-off words like 'God' and refers constantly to The Course in Miracles. To me, she speaks from her core self. And that generates a power and a force all of its own. I pledge to do the same.Marianne Williamson on relationshipsBeautiful