Trust and the golden mean

When I got up this morning and tuned in to my day - I'm self-employed so don't have a schedule as such - two words came: 'educate yourself'. This surprised me. I've been writing every day for the past little while – I'm working on a book of my experiences – and was expecting to pick up where I left off. With no sense of what I was to educate myself about, I continued making preparations for the day.As I left the house later in the morning for what has become my 'daily cappuccino' - I sit in a coffee shop and scribble in my notebook, a bit like J.K.Rowling - my eyes fell on a set of books that I'd recently bought, but had not read. One, on the golden 'section' or golden mean, kind of 'sparkled' at me as I went past. I picked it up as I went out of the door.Ensconced at the coffee shop, I soon found myself immersed in algebra and number, geometry, harmony and cosmology, discovering the universal laws of ratio and proportion. And finding what linked the one to the whole, architecture to music to nature: Nature's greatest 'secret' - the golden section or golden mean.Not only does the whole of nature express itself through a very simple series of whole numbers (the Fibonacci number sequence), all related to the golden mean, but the golden mean is represented in much of the most popular classial music of all time, including the works of Bach, Mozart and Bartok and in the design of many of the most celebrated paintings of da Vinci and Botticelli.It was Luca Pacioli, the 'monk drunk on beauty', who first wrote about the golden section in his treatise, Divina Proportione. I could relate. I remembered stumbling upon a building in my early twenties – the Duomo in Milan - and having nearly fainted at its beautiful symmetry. I later discovered it was founded on the principles of sacred geometry – again related to the golden section.Then my eyes fell on one of a series of geometrical shapes on the page that I was reading. Called a 'claithrin', this perfectly symmetrical shape, it said, was a symbol of consciousness and, as the author noted, 'abuzz with golden ratios'. But the thing about it was that it brought to my mind one of the most memorable dreams I have ever had.All of humanity – myself included – were standing round this giant multi-faceted crystal – identical to the claithrin that was represented. It was beautiful, harmonious and symmetrical in its shape. Yet as each one of its facets moved round in perfect symmetry, each person would flinch. As I stood there the words 'just trust' came to me. And what, I realise, this dream was telling me (and the others that stood around the giant crystal) that I can trust. That everything is happening in perfect harmony and order, down to the tiniest particle. And that in surrendering as deeply as we can and trusting in each moment, we will find our way through, even should everything fall apart around us.I suddenly remembered the words that started off my day. I had educated myself. I had inspired myself. I had had a realisation. A good day.

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